درباره کتاب «تئوری و کاربردهای اعداد فازی مرتب» Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers از سایت Springer
This open access book offers comprehensive coverage on Ordered Fuzzy Numbers, providing readers with both the basic information and the necessary expertise to use them in a variety of real-world applications. The respective chapters, written by leading researchers, discuss the main techniques and applications, together with the advantages and shortcomings of these tools in comparison to other fuzzy number representation models. Primarily intended for engineers and researchers in the field of fuzzy arithmetic, the book also offers a valuable source of basic information on fuzzy models and an easy-to-understand reference guide to their applications for advanced undergraduate students, operations researchers, modelers and managers alike.
سرفصل های کتاب «تئوری و کاربردهای اعداد فازی مرتب» Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
Background of Fuzzy Set Theory
Front Matter
Pages 1-1
Introduction to Fuzzy Sets
Michal Jezewski, Robert Czabanski, Jacek Leski
Pages 3-22
Introduction to Fuzzy Systems
Robert Czabanski, Michal Jezewski, Jacek Leski
Pages 23-43
Theory of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
Front Matter
Pages 45-45
Ordered Fuzzy Numbers: Sources and Intuitions
Piotr Prokopowicz, Dominik Ślȩzak
Pages 47-56
Ordered Fuzzy Numbers: Definitions and Operations
Piotr Prokopowicz, Dominik Ślȩzak
Pages 57-79
Processing Direction with Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
Piotr Prokopowicz
Pages 81-98
Comparing Fuzzy Numbers Using Defuzzificators on OFN Shapes
Jacek M. Czerniak, Wojciech T. Dobrosielski, Iwona Filipowicz
Pages 99-132
Two Approaches to Fuzzy Implication
Magdalena Kacprzak, Bartłomiej Starosta
Pages 133-154
Examples of Applications
Front Matter
Pages 155-155
OFN Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty and Risk
Anna Chwastyk, Iwona Pisz
Pages 157-169
Input-Output Model Based on Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
Dariusz Kacprzak
Pages 171-182
Ordered Fuzzy Candlesticks
Adam Marszałek, Tadeusz Burczyński
Pages 183-194
Detecting Nasdaq Composite Index Trends with OFNs
Hubert Zarzycki, Jacek M. Czerniak, Wojciech T. Dobrosielski
Pages 195-205
OFNAnt Method Based on TSP Ant Colony Optimization
Jacek M. Czerniak
Pages 207-222
A New OFNBee Method as an Example of Fuzzy Observance Applied for ABC Optimization
Dawid Ewald, Jacek M. Czerniak, Marcin Paprzycki
Pages 223-237
Fuzzy Observation of DDoS Attack
Łukasz Apiecionek
Pages 239-252
Fuzzy Control for Secure TCP Transfer
Łukasz Apiecionek
Pages 253-268
Fuzzy Numbers Applied to a Heat Furnace Control
Wojciech T. Dobrosielski, Jacek M. Czerniak, Hubert Zarzycki, Janusz Szczepański
Pages 269-288
Analysis of Temporospatial Gait Parameters
Piotr Prokopowicz, Emilia Mikołajewska, Dariusz Mikołajewski, Piotr Kotlarz
Pages 289-302
OFN-Based Brain Function Modeling
Piotr Prokopowicz, Dariusz Mikołajewski
Pages 303-322
مشخصات کتاب «تئوری و کاربردهای اعداد فازی مرتب» Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
- عنوان اصلی کتاب: Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers
- نویسندگان کتاب: Jehuda Yinon
- زبان کتاب: انگلیسی
- سال نشر کتاب: ۲۰۱۷
- رمز فایل: DMaktab.ir (به کوچک و بزرگ بودن حروف دقت فرمایید)
بازدیدها: 92