درباره کتاب «مقدمه ای بر تئوری بهینه سازی غیرخطی» An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory از سایت Amazon

The goal of this book is to present the main ideas and techniques in the field of continuous smooth and nonsmooth optimization. Starting with the case of differentiable data and the classical results on constrained optimization problems, and continuing with the topic of nonsmooth objects involved in optimization theory, the book concentrates on both theoretical and practical aspects of this field. This book prepares those who are engaged in research by giving repeated insights into ideas that are subsequently dealt with and illustrated in detail.

مشخصات کتاب «مقدمه ای بر تئوری بهینه سازی غیرخطی» An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory

  • عنوان اصلی کتاب: An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory
  • نویسندگان کتاب: Marius Durea and Radu Strugariu
  • زبان کتاب: انگلیسی
  • سال نشر کتاب: ۲۰۱۴
  • قیمت در سایت آمازون: ۱۱۷ دلار
  • رمز فایل: DMaktab.ir (به کوچک و بزرگ بودن حروف دقت فرمایید)

بازدیدها: 161